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10 Best Attorney Award

Schedule a Consultation With Us

Fee-Based Consultation Services


Unlike other firms who may offer you Free Consultations, we only offer fee-based consultation services that will certainly benefit you because we will be able to spend the necessary time to provide you more detailed answers to your questions and not rush you out with merely a price quote.


We invite you to give us the opportunity to address your case and the possible solutions even if you do not end up retaining us. We do not ask you to choose us. We ask you to choose the right lawyer. Whether that is us or someone else is irrelevant. We invite you to consult with a couple of Immigration lawyers prior to choosing who you better connect with.


We charge for our initial consultation because we want serious clients who know of us and trust us before they come in. If you have to pay for something, you will spend much more time looking into it, qualifying it and determining whether it is worth the money or whether you really need it. We want you to do that with us. Because that is where a good attorney/client relationship starts.


We do not need to or want to give incentives such as a free consultation to lure clients into retaining us. Our quality of advice and work should do that job which again are ingredients to successful cases and good relationships.


The fee-based consultation will enable us to provide you with enough information about your immigration options that you can decide more easily if you want to retain us as attorneys.


Therefore, we charge a flat fees of $150 for each initial consultation.



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